Thursday, July 23, 2009

desde Buenos Aires!

It´s day 2 in Buenos Aires. Making this post from the hotel lobby. It´s been a whirlwind last 36 hours. Buenos Aires is a HUGE city with so many stylishly dressed people walking purposefully and so many hustlers. It´s unfortunate that virtually every conversation I´ve had with a friendly Argentine on the street has always eventually turned to some sort of scam or charity that they are supposedly collecting money for. The good news is that my spanish is good enough that I can make it at least 30 seconds into a conversation without being asked, ¨So, where are you from?¨ I just walked to exchange my currency and ran across a highland bagpiper in a plaza. He wasn´t very good, but it has really made my afternoon so far. Really looking forward to getting to Mendoza by tomorrow night and having a home. The hotel is nice, but I haven´t been able to unpack or string my instruments as of yet, because 1 more flight is still on the way.
Visited older neighborhoods of La Boca and San Telmo, which were really nice. Lots of pastel colored tenements and restaurants extending into the avenues and pigeons and chubby cats lounging around. So far the food has been great and not all that much meat. Hooray.

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