Sunday, May 22, 2011

honey! buses! craziness!

What´s new?
Well things are really starting to wind down on my travels: I can see the light at the end of the tunnel (but the tunnel is groovy). The last week in Quillota with Cata and crew was fantastic. More delicious fruit, more carpentry building the delux composting toilet. See photos below of us in the middle of the structure.
It was an especially special weekend for music and healing. One night a few of us went up into the tower above the house- it was an hour of lights-out in solidarity against the dam project in southern Chile, the hidroaysen. There we spent hours singing and telling stories in the dark. Another night for the full moon we did a wonderful ceremony around the fire.
The best was the last day there. I spent that day at the house of a friend and neighbor of Cata who distills essential oils, is a master beekeeper, and fanatic of blues music. When he found out I had a banjo he was thrilled and invited us to distill a batch of Rosemary oil the next day. So we went and spent the morning harvesting and tending the fire of the distiller. Then in the afternoon he showed us his hives and in his workshop we sampled all the varieties of honey he had there. So spectacular! Honey from Rosemary, from Lavander, from Orange trees, avocados, and native forest. Then we played music on his guitar and dobros.
So everything cushy. Then I zoomed back to Mendoza and hurriedly visited friends, stored my stuff in Carolina´s house, visited Madre Tierra for a night, and hopped aboard a bus for 20 hours on the way to Jujuy!
And here I am now in the beautiful north of Argentina on my way to the farm Aldea Luna tomorrow morning.
Gotta go! More later!

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